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When we speak about makeup, the golden rule “less is more” definitely applies to me. Whether it’s my own makeup look, or the one I choose for our photo shoots, I simply love the natural look that discreetly accents our best features. For that simple reason I love Simona Antonović, our most influential make up artist who privately prefers nude makeup look. For the same reasons I choose jane iredale mineral makeup and natural skincare. Both Simona and I have been loyal to the brand for years. Simona is also our long term collaborator and she created some of the most gorgeous A’marie makeup looks using jane iredale cosmetics. We had an interesting chat in which she shared some of her favorite tips, tricks and products.

What is the best beauty advice you follow every day?

The best beauty advice I follow every day is thorough cleansing and skin care. It’s as important as brushing your teeth, so I don’t go to sleep without a proper skin care routine.

A trick to achieve a naturally flawless skin?

Unfortunately, there is no magic wand to achieve a naturally flawless skin. In most cases, it takes a lot of effort and investment. Everything that we are today, and everything we ceased to do for ourselves at a younger age, becomes visible in our mid 30s. I am convinced, and my experience tells me, that a good complexion is a combination of several factors, and the most important are the individual approach to skin care and nutrition, and lifestyle in general. With the abundance of beauty products on the market and numerous diet trends, I think it’s best to seek the advice of experts. They can recommend types of food to eat in order to balance our individual bodies, thereby they help us achieve healthy, glowing skin.

No makeup makeup look is your trademark. How to achieve it? Which Jane Iredale products would you recommend to get the ideal no make up look that lasts from morning to night?

Speaking of my professional expression, I wouldn’t agree that no makeup makeup look is my trademark. I don’t strictly apply it to clients, I adapt to the desires of each individual client, their preferences or occasions. Personally, I prefer a nude make-up look because it suits me best, and after all, that’s how I feel better.

Mastering nude makeup look has never been easier. Primarily, the foundation is important. For my dry skin, I always choose hydrating powders, and the choice of powder is crucial as it should perfectly match the skin tone and type. Choosing the right powder is not very easy and simple, so I definitely recommend a little research and consulting with an expert when buying. The next step is a concealer that is applied to the area under the eyes, which I suggest to be two shades lighter than the powder to refresh the face. Combed and defined eyebrows give a nice frame to the face, and for their definition a pencil or eyeshadow must be a shade lighter than the eyebrows. Curled lashes and two coats of brown or black mascara are enough to minimally emphasize each eye. A blush of pink shade applied to the cheekbones and a light application of bronzer on the edges of the face will nicely refresh your skin, while a lipstick in the color of meat or coral will perfectly complement the nude makeup look.

To achieve a beautiful skin and even complexion in the daily makeup routine, I like recommending jane iredale mineral powders. It’s the combination of   powder shades and textures for each skin type – liquid, loose or pressed powder, and ingredients that nourish and heal the skin, that help achieve healthy and radiant skin and makeup look.

The sunbathing season is starting, and sun protection is one of the main factors we need to consider if we want to preserve healthy and youthful appearance of our skin. What advice do you have in this area? Which products to use for skin care and which for makeup?

The daily routine needs to be adjusted to the season, and with the arrival of warmer weather, I definitely recommend products with a wide range of protection from UVA and UVB rays. In addition to the moisturizer, a powder sunscreen to even out the complexion is desirable, and it is easy to achieve with jane iredale Powder-Me SPF 30. You can apply it directly to the moisturizer or to an already existing foundation.

What do your morning and evening routines look like? How much has your beauty routine changed after becoming a mom? Do you have tips for moms? What’s the simplest way to look fresh?

My morning and evening skin care routine differs minimally. The only difference is that the morning routine does not include makeup removal. The rest is the same: balancing the skin pH level with lotion, serums and moisturizer, and face cream with SPF 50. In the evening, at least once a week, I also use face masks for exfoliation and deep hydration. I also try to massage my face in the evening with Gua sha and I adore face gadgets. I often use Tripollar and PureLiftFace to raise muscle tone and restore collagen.

Of course, since giving birth, I don’t get to nurture myself as much as I would like, but I never skip the basic routine and consider it a minimum investment for myself for a maximum effect. The advice to all moms is to make sure to find 15 minutes a day for themselves, at least in the evening, and massage their face with skin care products. This should be a relaxation ritual. And, for the day – a little bit of a concealer, powder, mascara, blush, lip gloss or lipstick will enhance a radiant, healthy glow of every mom.

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The project was co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund

Projekt je sufinancirala Europska unija iz Europskog fonda za regionalni razvoj

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