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Friendship talk: Nevena Rendeli

When I think about true friendship, what always comes to mind first are those long-standing, unbreakable friendships that transcend daily obligations and challenges. You know, those friendships where words are often unnecessary because you understand each other without much explanation? It’s the kind of relationship where support isn’t a matter of choice but a natural part of life—you are always there for each other, in good times and bad. That’s exactly what I have with Nevena Rendeli, a friend with whom I have built a strong, authentic bond over the years, always receiving genuine support and love from her.
Many years ago, she became one of the first A’marie girls, and you all know that she still proudly and stylishly wears many of my creations today. Summers are traditionally reserved for our joint vacation on the beautiful island of Korčula, where in our hidden cove, we photographed Nevena in the new A’marie collection. And to give you a better sense of our wonderful relationship, we decided to have a little chat with each other. Enjoy the read!

A’marie: We’ve counted years of friendship, but do you remember how and when we first met? What was your first impression of me?

Nevena: We’ve known each other and been friends for such a long time; it’s almost embarrassing to say how long, but it’s been more than half of our lives. I remember exactly when we met—it was in the ’90s, and we found ourselves in the same group going out. Back then, we used to go to the legendary Tingl Tangl in Mesnička, which your brother owned, and we were just kids who felt like we were in New York, not Zagreb :). As for the first impression, I remember we immediately clicked, and our hangouts continued for the next 20 years or so.

A’marie: Do you remember when you first fell in love with my brand?

Nevena: I think it happened right away. Since we knew each other from before, I followed A’MARIE from the very beginning. I used to come to the shop when it was still in the courtyard of Teslina Street, and I loved everything you did. You know, I still have a skirt from that time in my closet—still brand new, although I wore it back then. Unfortunately, I don’t think it fits me anymore :).

A’marie: You’ve always been stylishly dressed and often found yourself on the best-dressed women lists in Croatia. You often shined in my creations… How important is fashion to you now compared to before, and what do you look for when buying clothes?

Nevena: Well, you know, fashion for me was always tied to certain rituals, like going into town with my mom on Saturdays. We’d always return from ‘coffee’ with some new piece of clothing. My mom always had style, even though she never wore branded clothes, but trips to Trieste and Graz were a must at least once a year. When it comes to your creations, you know I often felt like you were making them just for me? I adore all those old dresses of yours that I wore in some of the most important moments of my life, like at my first and second weddings.

A’marie: What would you say is your go-to outfit in which you always look good?

Nevena: Your MicroModal dresses. I don’t even know how many I have, but they are pieces I wear constantly, both day and night.

A’marie: Do you have a favorite A’marie piece in your wardrobe?

Nevena: I do. Besides the dress from my second wedding, there’s also a beautiful summer dress with crystals that I bought 15 years ago and still wear when needed. Every single time, someone asks me where I got that dress. It’s that timeless.


A’marie: What would you say is your best quality, and what is your worst flaw?

Nevena: Uff, I think I’m a good friend, what do you think? A flaw—I can be really difficult and tend to react immediately when something doesn’t sit right with me. But I’m working on myself, and I’ve learned to sleep on it. The problem is that after 24 hours, I react the same way again :).


A’marie: At one point, you decided to become your own boss and stepped away from a position where, let’s be honest, most people thought you’d stay until retirement. How do you feel about that moment when you decided to leave? Do you miss the journalism and hosting/TV job?

Nevena: Haha, yes, four years ago, I decided not to learn from others’ mistakes and ventured into entrepreneurship. And you know what? I still don’t regret it, even though being an entrepreneur today with a few employees, as you know, is not easy at all. So, hats off to anyone who dares and survives. As for TV, I don’t miss it at all. I feel like I’ve closed that chapter, and for instance, my girls don’t even know their mom as a famous TV personality and are baffled when people still stop me on the street today.

A’marie: You are a mom to three beautiful girls. How challenging is that alongside running a business and maintaining a presence on social media?

Nevena: It was really tough for the first three years when they were little. Now, in the last two years, I enjoy every moment. So there’s hope for every mom :). I’m very proud of the kind and good girls they are growing into.

A’marie: What comes to mind first when I mention Korčula?

Nevena: Our summers in the most beautiful cove in the world. Korčula is so close to my heart because of you and our memories that I can’t imagine spending summer anywhere else.

A’marie: Where do you see us going on a girls’ trip?

Nevena: New York. And we have to go soon.

A’marie: What are your five favorite spots in Zagreb?


1. A’MARIE, Gundulićeva Street 
2. Cogito, Gjure Deželića Avenue
3. KIC, Preradovićeva Street 
4. Dežman Passage 
5. Ljevak Bookstore on the Square  

Nevena: We’ve really shared years and years of friendship, and in the meantime, our kids have become inseparable, which is something I’ve always wanted… How do you view all these years of our friendship?

A’marie: Our friendship is something very precious and irreplaceable to me. We’ve spent so many years together, filled with various moments, joys, sorrows, support, and understanding. Looking back, I realize how quickly those years have passed, but also how full they were of laughter, stories, and unforgettable experiences. I feel honored to have you in my life and that our friendship has developed and grown over time, along with our children, who are now inseparable. That is true wealth that cannot be measured by anything.

Nevena: When you create, who do you have in mind? Because often when I see some new creations, I think—well, she made this just for me… 🙂

A’marie: When I create, I mostly have women like you in mind—those who are authentic, confident, passionate about life, and have a unique and recognizable style. Every creation has its story, and I often find inspiration in the people around me. Sometimes it’s their character, their energy, or just a moment we’ve shared together. So it’s no surprise that you might see some pieces as if they’re made just for you—they are, because in a way, through my friends and the inspiration they bring, I create.

Nevena: I’ve always been curious about which A’marie outfit of mine you liked the most? In which piece of yours do you love seeing me the most?

A’marie: Every outfit of yours is special in its own way, but I must admit that I’m always charmed by you in the one-shoulder dress in nude color with embroidered embellishments in bright colors. That dress perfectly highlights your elegance and natural grace, yet it is attractive enough to express your contagious energy. I love seeing you in pieces that allow your authentic beauty and character to shine, and I believe my creations are just that.

Nevena: I’ll repeat the virtues question for you as well. What would you say is your best quality, and what is your worst flaw?

A’marie: My best quality, I’d say, is empathy. I always try to understand the people around me, feel what they need, and be supportive. I think that’s a quality that guides me in design as well—creating pieces that fit into different moments of life. On the other hand, my worst flaw is perhaps being overly self-critical. Sometimes I am hard on myself, especially when it comes to work and the creative process, but I’m learning to be kinder and allow myself to enjoy the moment.

Nevena: Being a mom to little San? What do you enjoy the most, and what are the biggest challenges?

A’marie: Being a mom to little San is the most beautiful part of my life. I enjoy the moments we spend together the most when we explore the world, play, and learn. Every smile of his and little achievement is a huge joy for me. The biggest challenge is certainly balancing time between motherhood, running a business, and maintaining a presence on social media. Sometimes it’s hard to juggle all the responsibilities, and I always strive to ensure that San doesn’t feel neglected because of my work. But he also gives me the strength and motivation  to be the best version of myself, both in my personal and professional life.

Nevena: What’s your favorite song that always puts a smile on your face and brightens your day?

A’marie: My go-to song for lifting my mood is definitely ‘Watermelon Sugar’ by Harry Styles. This song always brings back a summer vibe, no matter the time of year. With it, the day immediately feels brighter and lighter.

Nevena: I know the Botanical Garden is one of your favorite places in Zagreb, but what would the other four be?

A’marie: Besides the Botanical Garden, I love relaxing at Jarun because I always find a quiet spot for a walk or some reflection by the water. Zrinjevac is also one of my favorite locations, especially when the trees are in full bloom. I’m fond of Dežman Passage for its unique charm. I also love going to Boogie Lab, for a matcha and brunch.

Nevena: And, what are your favorite places on Korčula?

A’marie: On Korčula, my favorites are definitely our little hidden bay where we love to spend summer days, which also reminds me of the carefree days of childhood. The Old Town of Korčula, with its narrow stone streets and authentic Dalmatian charm, and the evenings we spend in front of our friends’ house, blocking the whole street with laughter and chit-chat. I also love the tranquility of the turquoise bays and walking for hours on the rocks, which always ends with picking figs among the olive trees. That’s my secret place where I can completely recharge.

Nevena: What advice would you give your younger self?

A’marie: I would tell my younger self to worry less about what others think and to trust her instincts. Creativity and authenticity always find their way to people, and the most important thing is to stay true to yourself and your inner voice. I would also advise her to learn to balance work and rest—and not to be afraid to ask for help when she needs it.

Thank you, Nevena, for this wonderful conversation and for shining in my creations season after season. <3

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Projekt je sufinancirala Europska unija iz Europskog fonda za regionalni razvoj

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